The purpose of Way of the Cross is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and train others to do the same. The Gospel that we preach is that the individual can be saved from sin through the blood of Christ. The objective of such evangelism is to lead short-term mission teams into the service of our Lord and establish indigenous churches and to provide for the training of short-term missionaries, national pastors and leaders. We also work hard to affect change in the community by the gospel message and by showing the people the love of Jesus through our works, and actions.

Way of the Cross seeks to show the compassion of JESUS to the poor, needy and the afflicted by the sharing of food, clothing, medicine and medical supplies as God provides.

Way of the Cross seeks to serve as a means through which churches may work together in missionary activities, may direct their missionary funds, and may refer those of their people who are called into missionary service.

Way of the Cross is an evangelical organization concerned with propagating the Gospel of the grace of God as revealed in the Scriptures. It is evangelistic in that its members regard the winning of souls to Christ as a primary objective. Closely aligned with this is the desire to establish believers in the Word of God and encourage them to memorize the Word so that they may go forth as witnesses seeking others who are lost in sin.
One of the most exciting parts of the ministry is the Short Term Missionaries. Way of the Cross is dependent on individuals like you who will come and share their time in the ministry. Way of the Cross is a conduit for those to whom God has called to get personally involved with missions. We strive to maintain an atmosphere where you can come and learn more about our Father, learn more about yourself and have an opportunity to share JESUS with a lost and dying person in a place you have never been and with those you have never met.

The most common response we hear from those who have chosen to come and be involved in the work is “We have never been closer to the Lord, prayed so much, worked so hard, been so tired and been as blessed as we have during the time we have been at Way of the Cross. It has changed our lives we will never be the same.” We hope you will take time to pray about coming as an individual or as part of a group to be a part of all the exciting things that the Lord is doing here at the ministry

A self-perpetuating Board of Directors who are responsible for the work in accordance with the spirit and purpose of the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws that governs Way of the Cross Ministries. They are the final authority under God for the conduct of the work. The officers of the board shall be President and Director, Vicepresident, Secretary, and Treasurer. Members of the Board of Directors shall be men who give evidence of a born again, separated life. By a separated life it is to be understood that a man be morally upright and that he be a member in good standing of a Bible believing Church.

There may also be an Advisory Board of undetermined number, selected by the Board of Directors, the members of which shall have the privilege of attendance at the annual Board meeting, information, fellowship, and discussion at such meetings but no voting privilege.

Way of the Cross Ministries is located in the Rio Grand Valley; it is as far south as you can go before leaving the United States. The Rio Grande Valley encompasses both sides of the United States and the Mexican border. It is home to upwards of 2 1/2 million people. It is known for having two of the poorest counties in the United States. Low wages high unemployment and below average median income is a way of life. It is also know for a rapidly growing population along the Mexican side. We are just 5 hours southeast of San Antonio and 6 hours southwest of Houston. Unique describes the area in which Way of the Cross operates.

The opportunities for a greater harvest have never been better. For years many seeds have been planted by many thousands of short term missionaries who have come and invested their time, sweat, finances and gone home, continued to pray and support the Lord’s work. One of greatest needs is for others to come and join us here in all the exciting things that the Lord is doing here at Way of the Cross Ministries.